
Securing Your Financial Future During a Pandemic with Jason Bartlett

Leveling Up: How To Create Everything From Nothing with Natalie Jill & Jason Bartlett

In today’s episode, Jason Bartlett (our Founder and CEO) sits down with Natalie Jill from the Leveling Up Podcast and shares the story of how he lost everything, then rebuilt everything from scratch.

Inside you’ll learn practical tips to help you financially survive a recession, how to secure your financial future and set yourself up for success no matter what, and what you should be doing right now to make it through this crisis.

Jason’s Story:

From 2005 – 2008 Jason Bartlett was on top of the world. A successful marketer with a great amount of wisdom with structure, he attracted success. He had the money, cars, the friends, everything he thought he wanted.

A wedding in Cabo was one of his last success memories. He describes his life after that as the bottom falling out from under him. When the housing market crashed in 2008, lenders pulled out, he lost employees, and his fantasy life started crumbling down,

He remembered a pivotal moment of looking at his Rolex watch (that he had won) and calling a friend to see if he could loan him money and take that watch as collateral. The friend never called and Jason found himself thinking, “Maybe it was all fake. Maybe I was just LUCK the first time”

Jason turned it all around but staying focused on helping OTHERS turn around their hardship and in turn he turned HIS around. TODAY, Jason owns Level Financing and his mission here is to help people formulate and execute an ethical plan to get them out of debt and keep them out of debt. One in which your credit is not ruined.

Listen in and learn exactly how Jason Bartlett leveled up and created everything from nothing!

For a free financial strategy session with Level, contact us here or click ‘Get Started’ below. Be sure to mention Natalie Jill when you do so we’ll know you listened to the episode!

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